Bargaining Update

August 23, 2023


OCPS declared impasse in the 2023-24 reopener negotiations for educator salaries and working conditions. The District and the School Board insist on a deal that rejects percentage-based raises and forces drastic increases to your healthcare. Health insurance increases are not even part of these reopener negotiations—yet the District is trying to sneak them in on the last day of your contract in an attempt to force these costs onto teachers.

Educators have spoken: we need OCPS to respect teaching experience, veteran pay has to be caught up!

Educators have spoken: we are tired of flat-amount salary increases, we need percentage-based adjustments!

Educators have spoken: we can’t afford to pay more for health care, it’s hard enough to afford everyday necessities as it is!

Educators have spoken: we do not appreciate the District trying to sneak multimillion dollar health insurance increases on the last day of the reopener year (without even exploring cost-saving alternatives first), this is something that has never happened before at the District!

Educators have spoken: we must recognize Juneteenth as a holiday!

Educators have spoken: we need to know that school safety and maintenance issues are being addressed with urgency. Students, parents, and educators deserve safe and well-maintained schools!

OCPS refuses to hear us.

OCPS continues to ignore its recruitment and retention issues. OCPS continues to deny your serious concerns about school safety.

Your Union will not give up the fight until we are absolutely sure that OCPS has done everything in its power to give teachers the compensation and treatment we deserve. OCPS must stand up for its students and educators. We will settle for nothing less. 

Ultimately, the issues at impasse will be decided by the School Board—who will have the chance to put its words into action and show teachers whether this District really does value us.

Stay tuned for updates…