Bargaining Update

October 6, 2023

Today is a great day for our members! After years of CTA effort and perseverance, the district has agreed to offer Orange County educators percentage wage increases! This decision ensures fair raises, now and in the future, for ALL members of our bargaining unit. This is especially true for our veteran employees who have suffered from stagnant wages (wage compression) for many years. 

Thank you to all members who have come to bargaining meetings, gone to School Board meetings, signed our petition, and contacted members of the Board asking for percentage increases. Your hard work and dedication have paid off. CTA's strength is in its members, and that strength has achieved results for you. Our work is not done.

We are still working to negotiate the percentage amounts. Unfortunately, these percentage salary increases are still tied to a District proposal for massive, unsustainable increases in health insurance costs. The average health insurance increase would be 64%, which falls hardest on employees with dependents, which we cannot and will not agree to. 

YOUR UNION continues to negotiate salary and benefits. United, we will accomplish more. Talk to non-members and let them know how much YOUR union is fighting for them, and ask them to join us at is strength in numbers! Non-members need to understand the value of CTA, and this win of percentages is a great example.