CTA Membership
CTA Membership demonstrates a commitment to work with colleagues to strengthen our profession to ensure the success of every student. Your involvement gives you access to benefits, valuable resources, professional development opportunities, and the power to make positive changes.
CTA Serves
CTA serves as an important community center and as the political voice of all Orange County Public School teachers and instructional personnel. We speak out with a strong, united voice to rise above the voices of those who profit from our professionals and work to silence the voices of the teachers. Your voice joins the voices of over 7,575 members of the Orange County Classroom Teachers Association, 145,000 members of the Florida Education Association, 1.7 million members in the American Federation of Teachers and 3 million members in the National Educators Association.
CTA Leadership
CTA leadership is committed to working respectfully with the school district, parents, nonprofits, businesses and other unions to build a movement for the public good by supporting and pushing key pro-public education issues that impact every community member and every one of our students. Members advocate for improved pay, learning and teaching conditions in Orange County Public. We know that teachers’ working conditions determine students’ learning conditions. And we believe public education is a foundation of our democracy and educators should be paid a professional wage that is commensurate with that enormous responsibility.
Below is the elected CTA Board of Directors. Please feel free to reach out to the person who represents you. We are here for our members and to ensure the Orange County Classroom Teachers Association remains an integral and successful advocate for you. All Board Members may be reached by emailing orangecta@gmail.com.